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Notice ID: WAR0466663

Notice effective from
15th February 2018 to 17th March 2018

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that to enable Cumbria County Council to carry out carriageway widening works ("the Works"), the County Council of Cumbria intends to make an Order the effect of which is to:-
1. Prohibit any vehicle which is travelling in a southerly direction along the A591 from making a left turn onto the C5057 Hollins Lane. Prohibit any vehicle which is travelling in a southerly direction along the A591 from making a left turn onto the C5057 Hollins Lane.
2. Prohibit any vehicle which is travelling in a northerly direction along the A59I from making a right onto the C5057 Hollins Lane.
3. Prohibit any vehicle from waiting or loading/unloading, at any time, on any day (including disabled blue badge holders), along that section of the C5058 (both sides) from a point approx. 230m south east of its junction with the U53I6 Sharps Lane extending in a north westerly direction for approx. 700m.
4. Prohibit any vehicle from proceeding other than in a south westerly direction along that section of the C5057 Hollins Lane from a point approx. 220m south west of its junction with the C5058 extending in a south westerly direction for approx. 700m.
5. Prohibit any vehicle from proceeding other than in an easterly direction along that section of the U53I6 Sharps Lane from its junction with the A59I to its junction with the C5058.
6. Prohibit any vehicle from proceeding other than in a south easterly direction along that section of the C5058 Winter Lane from its junction with the A59I, extending in a south easterly direction for approx. 2000m.
7. Prohibit any vehicle from proceeding along that section of the C5057 Hollins lane, from a point approx. 220m south west of its [unction with the C5058 extending in a south westerly direction for approx. 700 metres.
A suitable alternative route will be signed and available via the
A59I and C5058 Winter Lane.
a) The restrictions detailed in I to 6 above are scheduled to commence on 19 February 2018 for approx. 12 weeks; and
b) The closure detailed in 7 above is schedule to commence on 2 April 2018 for approx. 5 nights between I700hours and 0600 hours.
The restrictions will only be inforce as and when the relevant traffic signs are displayed.
A way for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will be maintained at all times.
Nothing in the Order to which this notice relates shall:
1. Apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform; and Apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform; and
2. Have the effect of preventing at any time access for pedestrians to any premises situated on or adjacent to the roads, or to any other premises accessible for pedestrians from, and only from the roads; and
3. Apply to vehicles being used in connection with the Works. Any queries to Cumbria Highways, Sowerby Woods Depot, Bouthwood Road, Barrow, LAI4 4RD (01229 407289) quoting reference SL17/6298.
The Order will come into operation on 19 February 2018 and may continue in force for a maximum period of up to eighteen months from that date, although it is anticipated that it will only be required as specified above.
D Roberts, Corporate Director, Resources & Transformation, Cumbria County Council, Cumbria House, Carlisle, CAI IRD
Dated: 1 February 2018


WAR0466663.pdf Download

Cumbria County Council

Headquarters , The Courts , Carlisle , Cumbria , CA3 8NA 01228 606 060


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