Siemens Energy are a technology-based company focused on industry, infrastructure, transport, and healthcare.

From more resource-efficient factories, resilient supply chains, and smarter buildings and grids, to cleaner and more comfortable transportation as well as advanced healthcare, they create technology with purpose adding real value for customers.
By combining the real and the digital worlds, they empower their customers to transform their industries and markets, helping them to transform the everyday for billions of people.
Siemens Energy Apprenticeships offer you a future that comes in all shapes and sizes. If you have the ideas to lead our progressive business and the passion to drive our sustainable world, you’re right where you need to be.
A spokesperson said: “Apprenticeships are a great way for us to turn today’s talented people, like you, into the experts we need tomorrow. Whether you’re interested in engineering, business or finance, we have opportunities here and now for you.”
Apprentice Charlie Thompson joined Siemens Energy as a Level 3 Business Admin apprentice in 2018 aged 17, following a year at sixth form college. Charlie completed his apprenticeship in 2021 and was given a permanent role as a bid coordinator in their Global Bids team.
He said: “I heard about the apprenticeship through family working at the company. I was in sixth form at the time, I had never really considered it before but I wasn’t enjoying sixth form and wasn’t too keen on attending university. I ended up applying and getting the apprenticeship. I completed that and I am now working full time.”
Completing an apprenticeship can be great way to bridge the gap between education and full time work.
Charlie continued: “It allowed me to be introduced to work slowly. I started the apprenticeship when I was 17, I’m 23 now and my confidence is the thing I have seen the most growth in. Leaving that school environment, and going into university, still isn’t the same as working. It is very different than being in an office environment. I have become a lot more resilient for my age. I think being pushed in the workplace means that you are better equipped to handle the pressure.”
A Siemens Energy apprenticeship allows you to be independent without being overwhelmed.
The spokesperson said: “When you speak to people who have been through the apprenticeship route, it will be rare to find someone who isn’t an advocate for it. It pushes you but also doesn’t overwhelm you. It enables people who are 17/18/19 to be independent financially and get experience, not only in the sector that they want to work in but also gain transferable skills that will carry them through life.”
An advocate for the Siemens Energy Apprenticeship stepping stone is Hannah Taylor, who joined the Siemens Energy Apprenticeship Scheme in 2018 aged 16 as a Level 3 Mechanical Engineering apprentice and took the opportunity in her third year to also work towards a Level 4 HNC qualification alongside her apprenticeship. 
Hannah completed her apprenticeship and HNC in summer 2022 and was given a permanent role as a fitter in the production workshop. She is just about to take on a new role in the business as a field service engineer and will soon be fitting and maintaining products on customer sites around the world.
She said: “I am 21 and I have been a part of Siemens Energy for five years. I initially heard about the apprenticeship scheme when I was in school. I originally decided to go into an apprenticeship because at school, I did a lot of STEM, there was a big push to get women into STEM at the time and I really enjoyed it. After doing a walk-around and speaking to a few people, I decided that I really liked the feel of the place and it sounded like a good scheme for me.”
Hannah believes that through the Siemens Energy Apprenticeship Scheme, she has gained a lot of skills and experiences that she never would have had she gone down a different route.
“I think when you are 16, going into a new job is a massive hurdle anyway. I found it really daunting. I didn’t have a job before I came into my apprenticeship at Siemens Energy. However, everyone was really nice and friendly, and offered so much help and encouragement.
“Personally, I am a very practical person. I am a very hands-on learner. That’s always what I liked at school, so being given the opportunity to learn doing hands-on trade as well as gaining an education was ideal for me.”
Siemens Energy are currently recruiting apprentices for September 2024 for Level 3 Business Administration, Level 3 Engineering Fitter, Level 3 Product Design and Development Technician and Level 3 Machining Technician. To find out more and apply, visit The closing date for applications is February 11.