Every Friday we ask somebody in Cumbria’s business community to tell us how they keep fit…today it’s the turn of HR Consultant Julia Cater who runs People Decisions in Penrith.

How many times a week do you like to exercise?

Three or four

What sort of exercise do you do?

I am a member of a local gym so I work out using weights and equipment, or attend classes. Usually body pump. In addition to this, I am a bellringer and that is super cardio and strength exercise as well.

Do you have any fitness goals?

Retain my strength as I approach menopause so that I can still do the bellringing and outdoor activities I love.

What’s the most physically challenging thing you have done in your life?

I have two. First was a marathon I did in my early 30s which as a non-runner, was gruesome training. But someone dared me I couldn’t. So I did. And second, was an ambition to break the record of being the first woman to ring the heaviest bell to a peal which I achieved just before I was 50 at York Minster. It’s a bit specialist as a sport, but several women had attempted it before me, but me completing it successfully was akin to breaking the 4-minute mile. People didn’t think it was possible but I did it. And I hope it is a watershed now for other people to continue to break boundaries.

How does keeping fit impact on your work?

I have to schedule time for exercise which brings a discipline to my work prioritisation.

Which sportsperson/fitness expert do you most admire?

I admire Andy Murray for his persistence when he has found himself so close to the top, but not quite achieving it on so many occasions. It always made him come back and try even harder. And because he doesn’t let other people tell him when it is time to stop.

When in your life did you feel at your fittest?

When I have everything in balance in terms of healthy eating, regular exercise, a control on time spent at work, and time to fit in my hobbies.

On days when you don’t feel like getting out of bed, what motivates you to get up and go?

As a single parent it’s the fact that no-one else is going to look after the family and the house.

How do you ensure a work/life balance?

Saying No, and doing things because I want to, rather than out of duty or to please other people.

What’s your top tip for remaining motivated?

Set targets and keep a daily track of those.