OVER 30 guests convened at Eco's HQ in Annan last month, representing Cumbria and southern Scotland. The event unveiled EcoMetrix, a novel carbon accounting platform aiding businesses in measuring, tracking, and reporting carbon emissions.

The room buzzed with forward-thinking individuals, exemplifying businesses' readiness to innovate, embrace change, and be early technology adopters. Their collective ethos highlighted the potent force of collaboration, fostering mutual support throughout the net zero transition by sharing knowledge and experience.

Organisations face mounting pressure from clients and supply chains to reduce their carbon footprint. Thankfully, assistance abounds, be it through peer-to-peer learning or specialist organizations providing practical support. The SME Climate Hub 2023 Survey, published earlier this year, revealed that 58% of SMEs worldwide cited skills and knowledge as the foremost obstacle to taking climate action. Furthermore, 54% expressed a desire for a network of peer companies to facilitate enhanced climate action.

To future-proof your business or organisation and remain competitive, prioritising substantial steps to diminish and report carbon emissions is paramount. Carbon accounting empowers businesses to gauge, track, and report emissions, fostering comprehension and identifying reduction opportunities.

The EcoMetrix carbon accounting platform aligns with the UK Government's Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) regulations and the international Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. GHG Protocol classifies emissions into three 'scopes': scope one from internal operations, scope two from indirect energy sources, and scope three from supply chain-generated indirect emissions. While scopes one and two are expected norms, scope three reporting is gaining significance.

Amidst this daunting new landscape, tools like carbon accounting and supportive peer networks aid businesses in navigating and viewing the climate crisis as an opportunity rather than a mere challenge. While no magic solution exists for achieving net zero aspirations, diligent research, collaboration with fellow businesses, and knowledge-sharing can drive a positive impact on both the planet and your organisation. Embrace the transformative potential of collective action.