A BUSINESS support organisation in Kendal has launched an innovative new training initiative.

Kendal Business Improvement District (BID) is offering free online courses to help employees new learn skills to ultimately help local businesses.

Topics range from customer service, sales, retail management, hospitality, and leadership to social media, project management, self-development, Office 365, and Microsoft Excel.

There are also courses based on mental health awareness and wellness.

Peter Brendling, the manager of Kendal BID, said:

"With so many types of businesses in our town centre, this is a great way for us to address the learning needs of both retailers and professional services firms." 

"We really hope that people take up this excellent opportunity to develop themselves and their firms. 

"We believe the new training initiative will help people to learn, perform and succeed."

"Obviously, like the rest of the country, there is a shortage in the workforce in Kendal and one of the ways businesses can help to attract people to work for them is to offer training.

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"The courses also help an employer with its team development goals and, for the employee, the training will boost their job prospects in the future."

The learning hub goes live on September 20, 2022, and employers and employees in Kendal BID-area companies can sign up for as many as they like.

Courses are interactive webinars held online, and recordings will be available for those unable to take part live.

A completion of learning certificate can be downloaded by employees for each course completed and they will be given a training record so they can show evidence of their personal development.

Kendal BID will also issue awards for the most engaged learners.

The training initiative has been launched in partnership with SeedL, a virtual live learning subscription service. 

Jo Shepherd, SeedL’s chief learning officer, said: 

"Our partnership with Kendal BID is really going to be game-changing for businesses in the town."

The joining instructions for the new courses are available in the News section on kendalbid.co.uk.

Kendal BID funds the dscvr Kendal app, which highlights shops, food and drink establishments, businesses, attractions, and varied things to do in the town.

It can also award shop front grants worth £500 to help businesses decorate or generally improve their frontages.

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