Now in its eighth year, International Women in Engineering Day is taking place on 23 June, and it’s all about our everyday heroes. At James Fisher Nuclear Limited they invest greatly in their workforce so that every person there can thrive and succeed in any career they choose.

Supporting women to achieve their ambitions and take on new challenges happens daily at JFN, as two of their team members are happy to tell us.

Grace McCrickard is not only an EC&I ROV Engineer at James Fisher, but she’s also working towards completing her degree in order to expand her knowledge even further and improve her skills to take on new challenges. A fully qualified electrician with all of the credentials and training needed to operate Unmanned Arial Vehicles and Remote Operated vehicles, her position at JFN allows her to undertake new experiences and to expand her skills every day.

“I find my role within JFN very interesting as I feel I get to experience amazing opportunities very frequently, with challenges thrown my way, which keeps me on my toes. I find my job interesting, tough but amazing every day.”

And the inspiration behind her desire to work as an engineer comes from a close knit family unit.

In Cumbria:

“My ‘Engineering Hero’ would be my older brother. When he started out as an electrical apprentice, I remember he used to tell me about his work and bring home little projects that he had been working on at the time. One of them I remember was a little traffic light mimic, I found this so amazing as a young child which made me want to become an electrical engineer.”

The same could be said for  Jordan Coulthard, an Electrical, Control and Instrumentation Design Engineer at James Fisher who takes inspiration from her Dad to follow her aspirations and forge a career in engineering.

Having begun her profession as an electrical apprentice, qualifying as an electrician after four years, Jordan has taken on a number of roles over the years; everything from local government to waste water utilities, all the way through to the nuclear industry. Each step of her career allowing her to develop new skills and aid in her advancement.

In Cumbria:

After 8 years of hands-on work, Jordon took a job with James Fisher Nuclear and swapped the overalls for desk, a decision she’s more than happy with.

“My role at James Fisher Nuclear is an Electrical, Control and Instrumentation Design Engineer, I solve complex engineering problems and design solutions. This role has enabled me to work alongside a diverse range of people within the industry, including last year when I was invited to the Houses of Commons as part of the Women in Nuclear annual conference.”

Celebrate the multitude of achievements this Women in Engineering Day, and to learn more about what you could accomplish with James Fisher Nuclear, both for yourself and for the community you live in, head over to their website: