An increase in assaults on police officers is a ‘tragic reflection on society’ and prison sentences should be mandatory for offenders, Cumbria Police Federation has said.

According to figures released by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPPC), the rise has been driven by an increase in common assault – including suspects spitting on officers while claiming to be infected with Covid-19.

Carol Ann Lyon said: "Being assaulted is not a part of anyone's job yet when it happens the police don't seem to be interested in pressing charges - unless it happens to one of their own that is."

Anthony Perkins said: "If police are using necessary force to arrest suspects, especially if those suspects are lashing out, kicking, biting, punching, scratching or spitting in their faces during the current pandemic, then that isn't assault at all!

"They have as much a right to protect and defend themselves from the perpetrators who are assaulting / attacking them."

John Woodford said: "NHS staff get assaulted, what makes a copper any different?

"An assault is exactly that, it goes for any member of the public. It shouldn’t matter what your status is."

Lewis Goulding said: "How about mandatory sacking and jail for police abusing powers and breaking laws first."

Stephen Hewitt said: "the Police have so many involved so that there is less chance of the prisoner being hurt, of course in a violent situation one officer could deal with them by using a Taser, Pepper spray, their baton or with 4 colleagues place them on the ground and handcuff them.

"It should be prison for any one who attacks an emergency service worker..."

Stephen Lyle said: "There's good police and there's bad police. Maybe the bad police deserve it. So no."

June Madison said: "Mandatory Jail for every assault, not just a couple of weeks either."