Owning and running a family business is not a nine-to-five job. Especially when the business bears the family name.

There is no switching off the responsibility that a family business has to the family itself, of course – but also to the people employed in the company.

When you take on staff as a family business, it can feel like you are making a personal commitment, with your name as your honour.

This is especially so for the family businesses that have a large community presence, as so many do. A trip to the supermarket, a night at the theatre, taking the dog for a walk – wherever you are, you still have work with you and you are always a representative of your company.

This is why time away is so important. Obviously, it helps to recharge batteries and allow families to have precious time together. But is also helps to provide a new perspective on things.

For a few days a year you are removed from the workplace, and it gives you the space and time to look at things from a different point of view. Some people have their best ideas on holiday – but even if you don’t think about work at all when you’re away, you do come back refreshed and with a different mindset. This is why a busy vacation can be just as good as a relaxing one.

So I want to wish all family business employees and owners a good summer – and I hope you have managed to find some time off. Indeed, I’d like to think that you might be reading this by a pool with a cocktail in hand…