ULTIMATE Security and Investigations has rebranded as Ultimate Security Group , just as the Carlisle firm marks its 20 th anniversary.

The business was established by Noel Davidson, providing manned security services to businesses on Rosehill Industrial Estate.

In 2003 his son - in - law Greg Kelly, a former detective, took the reins and services were diversified to include burglar alarm installation, CCTV and a ccess c ontrol installation monitoring and maintenance.

He renamed the c ompany Ultimate Security and Investigations in 2009. Then Greg’s brother, Simon, joined in 2013 as the the business expanded to include f ire s afety s ervices and assessments .

Simon Kelly served with Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service for 25 years in high - profile roles and was part of the c ommand and c ontrol emergency response to the 2005 Carlisle floods.

The latest rebrand includes a new user - friendly website – www.ultimatesecuritygroup.co.uk – that allow s customers to choose exactly what they need.

Managing director Greg Kelly said: “Ultimate Security Group essentially gives the customer choice.

“ All the usual manned services are there as well as the technical security but we are seeing a greater increase in sales of integrated solutions.

“ For example a customer may want in intruder alarm, CCTV and f ire alarm, which we can monitor but importantly they can also have a manned response in real time when the systems detect an intruder.

“ Compl e ment this with our f ire s afety s ervices and they have a very cost effective all round method of protection.”

The company is based at Kingstown, Carlisle, and employ s 50 s ecurity o fficers based around the county and beyond, with plans to recruit more.

Customers include l ocal a uthorities, schools and other educational establishments, student accommodation, motor traders, manufacturing industry, hauliers, agricultural suppliers, construction and p orts.